Track IBeams
Rapid Overhead Conveyors utilize a high carbon structural shape or a roll formed heat treatable steel track. The Power Only systems use a high carbon l-Beam, S3x5.7, S4X7.7, or S6x12.5 depending on the type of system, or a roll formed heat treatable enclosed track.
Power and Free conveyors use the same track as Power Only systems with the addition of high carbon structural channels, C3x4.1, C4x5.6, C6x8.2, 06×12. depending on the type of.
The track must sustain all the load placed on it and as a result is the limiting factor in the amount of load an overhead conveying system will handle. The lower flange of the track must withstand the load and wear imparted to it from the conveying trolleys without undue pining or deformation.

Enclosed Track
Rapid Overhead Power Only conveyors are offered in enclosed track (Rapid Flex) in 3‘, 4′, & 6‘ track.

Power & Free Track
The Rapid Flow Power & Free overhead conveyors are available in Enclosed Track over 3″ channel (Q Flex), 3‘ I Beam over 3″ channel, 4″ I Beam over 4″ channel, & 4′ i Beam over 4″ channel as well as custom sizes.